Our Mission
As a theatrical DGR charity and not-for-profit our first priority is to our community. We fully believe that theatre and artistic expression is a fundamental part of being human and as such, should be available to everyone. In the current finacial climate we know show tickets are a luxary item many families can't afford.
In 2025 Passion Productions is increasing our pledge by reserveing 20% of every show to be given away free of charge to anyone in financial hardship. No Lengthy Applications Process. No Questions Asked. Just Email and we send tickets.
Read some testimonials from previous years ticket takers who prefer to remain anonymous.
Donations & Sponsorships
As a DGR registered charity we are able to provide tax deductible invoices for all donations over $2. All donations big and small are greatly appreciated and help us create theatre for everyone.
If you would like to donate the best way is by Direct Debit into our registered Gift Fund we incur no fees with this method.
Account Name: Gift Fund
BSB: 313-140
Acc No: 12416574
Be sure to email a screenshot of your donation to info@passionproductions.com.au so we can send you your tax Invoice as proof of donation for tax time!
Sponsorship Tiers

Donations over $1,000
Written thanks in Donors & Sponsors section of programmes.
10 Tickets to see any of our shows in 2025​
Donations over $5,000
Quarter page in Donors & Sponsors section of programmes.
30 Tickets to see any of our shows in 2025​
Donations over $15,000
Full Page thanks dedicated to your business in all show programmes.
Presentaion of a show of your choice, mentioned in the preshow annoucement
Display of Promotional material* in the theatre of sponsored show
10 Tickets to EVERY shows in 2025​
50 Tickets to your Sponsored show
Donations over $35,000
As a season sponsor your business will;
Be mentioned in all forms of promotional material for all shows in 2025
Be mentioned in all preshow announcements.
Allowed to display promotional material* in the theatre foyer for all 2025 shows
Recieve 50 Tickets every show​ to give to clients, friends and family.
Recieve a special thank you gift at the end of 2025 Season
*promotional material to be provided and approved at least one week prior to opening show. No profanity or offensive material will be displayed.